It is important that a Minister/Pastor isn't the Lone Ranger trying to reach everyone, but that a carefully/prayerfully selected Ministry Team is developed. Why have a Ministry Team at the Alter?
If a crowd of people need prayer at the end of a Service, or people come forward in response to an Invitation to Salvation, then you don't want people standing for a log time in a line. If people know the will be on display in a line for a long period of time then this could be one more deterrent keeping them from coming forward.
If a crowd of people need prayer at the end of a Service, or people come forward in response to an Invitation to Salvation, then you don't want people standing for a log time in a line. If people know the will be on display in a line for a long period of time then this could be one more deterrent keeping them from coming forward.
In addition, the members of the Ministry Team become seasoned as they pray for others at the alter.
The purpose is to minister to God's people by leading them in their decision to accept Christ, by helping them encounter the Holy Spirit, to help them receive God's love, for healing, and for empowerment.The Alter is a place to edify, exhort, and comfort the body of Christ.
The Alter is NOT an opportunity to release rebuke, correction, or direction.
Being on an Alter Ministry Team is not a lifetime membership--you may be
asked to step down for a season of personal renewal.
An Alter Team Ministry is not a counseling or deliverance ministry. It is not a time to preach to
people during prayer.
There are certain expectations that should be in place for those who would qualify for this ministry. An Alter Minister is to have the heart motivation of a servantand the means to serve.
They must be willing to first submit any specific prophetic words of rebuke, correction, or direction to the church leadership and not take it upon themselves to speak to the congreagation without first doing so. This way they are to be accountable to the church leadership.
An Alter Ministry member should attend most all of the church services and meetings scheduled as well as attending sessions for scheduled training.
Commitments required are:
Pray fervently for the worship services.
Come early for prayer and preparation. - A COMMITMENT TO PERSONAL OBEDIENCE
Make an extra-ordinary effort to avoid sin in your life.
Cheerfully submit to requests and correction from the church leadership. - A COMMITMENT TO SERVE
Make every effort to be at the services.
Be prepared to stay as long as people want ministry.
Necessary qualities of a ministry team member
1. Born again /John 3:3/rom 6:23
2. Spirit-filled/ ephesians 5:18
3. Exercising the gifts of the Spirit./ 1st cor 12
4. Manifesting the fruit of the Spirit./gal 5:22-25
5. Willing to receive ministry as well as give it/pro 3:11 pro12:1/ pro 13:1
6. Well versed in the scriptures 1st tim4:6-7/2nd tim 2:15 2nd tim 3:16
7. An active member of the church. heb 10:25/rom 12:4-5
8. Denominationally neutral in ministry & theology.1st cor 3:3-11
9. Walking in forgiveness as a lifestyle. matt 6:14-15
10. Able to trust the Holy Spirit for the anointed task at hand. 2tim 1:6-7
11. Already faithful in other ministries the Lord has given you.
12. Free from ambition and the desire for recognition. james 4:6
13. Recognized by your peers as a Godly person.
14. Released by your spouse into this ministry- the needs of your home must be met first before ministry.
15. Willing to submit to this model of prayer and ministry employed by the church leadership.
16. You must be willing to lay aside your own pattern of ministry if necessary.
Be sure to read Part 2 of this Teaching