
End Times: Introduction


When studying the End Times, also referred to as Eschatology, there are many differing viewpoints and interpretations. The one thing each scholar has in common is they simply do not know what will happen. For example I believe I have a good idea of what the scriptures teach about the end times, but I cannot say I know what will happen exactly, for who among us knows this other than God? I can at the most say I believe things will transpire a certain way based upon my interpretation of the scriptures, and really this is all anyone can say. 

I remember once sitting in a room with 2 dear friends and we discussed this vast subject. One friend believed the rapture would not take place until after the 7 year tribulation period has ended. This means he had what they call a posttribulationist view. The other friend believed the rapture of the Church would occur 3-1/2 years into the tribulation period. This is what is called the midtribulationist view.

I was, and still am persuaded that the rapture of the Church would occur first, then would come the 7 year tribulation period. This is commonly known as the pretribulationist view. Each of us raised very valid points and even had scripture that seemed to support our claims, but in the end we all had to admit one thing. None of us knew exactly what would happen in the End Times.

I've have taught about the End Times, but this isn't to say that my interpretation alone stands correct, but I'd like to begin a blog, and maybe even a series of blogs digging into the End Times and how I perceive it will all come to pass based on my understanding of the bible.

I think it is silly how sometimes this subject can create arguments, for one thing I do know is that it will be the end of time for some people everyday. In fact as I write these words I've only just learned an hour ago of a person I know passing away this morning in an auto accident. For him it was the end of his time on earth. Tomorrow more people will also end their time here on earth. I believe although God doesn't want us to be ignorant of the end times, our focus should be to reach people at the individual level before "their" end time comes, and not to argue about the end of this age with each other, but each hold our view and admit we may be wrong as well. 

God has given us enough pieces of the puzzle however that I believe we can have a good idea of what will occur even if there are differing views about the order of these events. I personally believe things will take place as follows...