Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) say's,
Where there is no vision, that is; knowing, being acquainted, discovering, experiencing, and understanding, the people perish...
I'm so glad it doesn't end here, for there is a part B to this verse...
There is a way to be happy, and this happiness comes (as the verse tells us) from knowing the vision God has for your life. We can know this vision if we keep the law, but as New Testament Christians we also know that Christ has fulfilled the law, so we can find our fulfillment in Him, and in the keeping of His commandments!
Let's break it down:
We can now, as the children of God get to know Him more and more and become better acquainted with Him. We have the joy of discovering who He is and seeing how He works in our life. Our Father wants us to experience a life with Him and have a better understanding of who He is.
Without knowing God's Vision for our life, as the verse in Proverbs tells us, we will perish, but not just meaning we would go to the eternal damnation of Hell. We also would lack His guidance in our life on earth before we die and perish there too.
For example: Without knowing God's vision for our marriage, we stand a better chance of seeing the marriage perish, and the same is true in our parenting, our finances, and the many other details of our life. God's word gives us guidance and direction!
The Gospel message is not to have a better life with Jesus. It is that making Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of your life is the only way to save you from an eternity in Hell.
However, as a perk of being a Christian and having God's word. We now have a sense of direction in our life - that is HIS direction! The bible is full of principles that if applied, will enhance your life for the Glory of God. Therefore knowing God's vision for your life supersedes any vision you would have for your life, and without this vision you will perish.
Where we can often get into trouble is when we have our own vision and try to convince our self that it is actually God's vision for our life. God's vision is clear and the only thing He wants is ALL OF YOU. This means your family, your money, your house, your car, your clothes, etc... ALL OF YOU! He wants you to write Him a blank check and to trust Him. This is called surrendering to Him. This is His vision for your life that it would become HIs life.
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Vision - Strong's #3045: "yada" - meaning to know, to be acquainted, to discover, to know by experience, to understand.So literally this passage means:
Where there is no vision, that is; knowing, being acquainted, discovering, experiencing, and understanding, the people perish...
I'm so glad it doesn't end here, for there is a part B to this verse...
...but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
There is a way to be happy, and this happiness comes (as the verse tells us) from knowing the vision God has for your life. We can know this vision if we keep the law, but as New Testament Christians we also know that Christ has fulfilled the law, so we can find our fulfillment in Him, and in the keeping of His commandments!
Let's break it down:
Where there is no vision, that is; knowing, being acquainted, discovering, experiencing, and understanding, the people perish...If we don't know God, that is knowing Him as our Father and being His child then we perish. In our own weak and sinful condition we could never have achieved this, but the Father made a way for us to come to Him. By sending His Son Jesus, who was without sin, to be the sacrificial lamb slain for the payment of our sin, we can now have access to the Father in Christi Jesus!
We can now, as the children of God get to know Him more and more and become better acquainted with Him. We have the joy of discovering who He is and seeing how He works in our life. Our Father wants us to experience a life with Him and have a better understanding of who He is.
Without knowing God's Vision for our life, as the verse in Proverbs tells us, we will perish, but not just meaning we would go to the eternal damnation of Hell. We also would lack His guidance in our life on earth before we die and perish there too.

The Gospel message is not to have a better life with Jesus. It is that making Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of your life is the only way to save you from an eternity in Hell.
However, as a perk of being a Christian and having God's word. We now have a sense of direction in our life - that is HIS direction! The bible is full of principles that if applied, will enhance your life for the Glory of God. Therefore knowing God's vision for your life supersedes any vision you would have for your life, and without this vision you will perish.
Where we can often get into trouble is when we have our own vision and try to convince our self that it is actually God's vision for our life. God's vision is clear and the only thing He wants is ALL OF YOU. This means your family, your money, your house, your car, your clothes, etc... ALL OF YOU! He wants you to write Him a blank check and to trust Him. This is called surrendering to Him. This is His vision for your life that it would become HIs life.
Luke 17:33 (KJV) say's,
If you do this you will not be disappointed.
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.God wants your Vision to be His Vision, and without His Vision you will perish. Will you give Him everything? Will you surrender today? Will you say to Him, "All that I was, all that I am, all that I ever hope to be - I lay at your feet."
If you do this you will not be disappointed.