
Jesus is Life!

A dog is satisfied with a bone and a bird is satisfied with a worm. Many people are satisfied to just live week to week, and paycheck to paycheck. They search for the next big movie, the next great song, the next party, the next thing they want to buy, and so on. They go from possession to possession , and from relationship to relationship looking for some sense of personal fulfillment. 

Like a mouse in a maze they are always searching around each corner for that next piece of cheese, and once it is consumed they continue on looking for another. They also compete with the others to get to the cheese before they do. Occasionally they bump into each other and bicker and fight over such trivial, insignificant things. They waste so much precious time.. that is WE (people ) do!

To exist in our natural world a person requires food, water, shelter, and air to breathe, but there has to be something more than the mere provisions that sustain us in this world. To just exist is not enough to satisfy the hunger in our souls. Where is our purpose? What is our hope? What is the meaning for our life?

I could seek fulfillment in my job and be the best I could be at it, but let's say today I passed away. There would be mourning at home and at the office. Somebody would have to step up to handle the day to day operations. Soon an ad would be placed for my position, someone would respond to it, and then someone would be hired. Within so many months they would become comfortable handling the many tasks, and I'd be nothing but a memory.

Like the mouse in the maze holding the perishable cheese, we people go through life holding things that are not permanent, but are only temporal. We then wonder why we feel unfulfilled and discontent. This is because nothing in this world is designed to quench our thirst for God. You won't find true fulfillment in money, human relationships, earthly achievements, or material possessions.

Our body is referred to as a vessel in the bible. A boat is also sometimes called a vessel, so imagine your body is a boat drifting along on the river called life. Does it really matter what possessions you have within your boat as you are about to go over Niagara Falls? Yes, our body is also perishable  - just like the things of this world are. One day we will all die and take nothing with us - nothing, that is, but our choice!

Jesus also walked once in this world and He experienced all the ups and downs of life. He too needed the food, water, shelter, and air to breathe. He didn't worry about obtaining these needs however for He trusted in His Father to provide them for him. He made a choice to give His life up to save us from our sins. He wants you to experience more than this temporary mouse-maze called life. 

Jesus wants you to experience an abundant life on earth and life everlasting in His presence as we live in Heaven. Jesus has prepared a place for us that far surpasses this world. While walking around in this maze of life looking for fulfillment won't you choose to live for Jesus? In you do, you won't regret it!

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  
                                                                          - Mark 8:36