I'm thankful to God for sending His Son Jesus to save us.
I'm thankful that He chose the cross for our sake, and then rose again, ascended, has prepared a place for us, and sits at the Father's right hand.
I am thankful that the Holy Spirit makes His home in me and is conforming me into the image of Jesus.
I'm thankful that Jesus is coming again and that we can one day leave this place to meet Him in the air, and to then spend eternity with Him - that is if we choose to make Jesus our Lord and Savior and become His!
I'm thankful for the Bible, God's Holy Word, and the new life I've found in Him.
I'm thankful for my wonderful wife Ann. She has been so loving and patient with me over the years. She is my best friend in this world.
I'm thankful for my kids; Dedra and her husband DJ, Kevin and his fiance Katrina, and Thomas. I pray that God protects them all and continues to draw them closer to Him. I pray that they will all be with me one day in Heaven.
I am thankful for our little dog Shadow (even though he may hate me for picking on him).
I'm thankful for my job - that God has blessed me with. God is the CEO of my life and my job is how He has chosen to provide for my family. He has blessed me to work for an employer who is a Christian man, and wherever God leads us in life He will provide.
I'm thankful for my family, and for my wife's family for I'm surrounded by great people who love me.
I'm thankful for my many friends who have been there for me in the good times and bad times.
I am thankful that I am not the same man I was last year, 5 years ago, and so on, but the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding me in the ways of Christ.
I'm thankful to live in the greatest country in the world, and in the beautiful mountains that my grandpa Adam Davis and his ancestors called home. I may never be a city boy again.
I'm thankful to have awaken another day, and for the air I breathe. I will let this breath praise, and not curse the One who has created me.
I'm content in my life and thankful for all things, for even the trials draw me closer to God and He uses all things for good.
I'm thankful that one day He will reveal all things and my questions will be answered - even the times I've questioned or not always understood what was going on.
I'm thankful for God's divine providence, and that He sees the bigger picture and knows all things including my future.
I'm thankful that this world is not my home, but I'm on my way to a FAR BETTER place.
I am thankful that I can continue with this attitude of gratitude after this day and every day.
I am thankful that this NEW LIFE I'm experiencing is not just available to me alone, but you can have it too, and I'd be glad to tell you how.
May God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving day and always!