What is Meaning?
Isn't this the proper starting point when thinking philosophically?
Isn't this the proper starting point when thinking philosophically?
Why are we here? What’s it all about? What is the meaning of life?
Too often when life is wonderful we don’t seem to care what the meaning of life is. We are too
caught up in the moment and the question seems almost irrelevant.
When life is hard however, these questions are often asked. This can be when we experience the death of a loved one, loss of health, financial problems, and evil in the world.
Too often also, when life is bad people turn to God to find these answers, but when life is good they then choose to place Him on the back burner again, awaiting their next crisis.
Why are we here? What’s it all about? What is the meaning of life?
Mankind has asked these questions over and over for centuries and they seem to think they may find the answer one day with man’s wisdom. But they never will.
Acts 17:28 – tells us that in Him we live, and move, and have our being…
Isaiah 55:8,9
Deut 29:29
Where are you?
Man’s Philosophy asks, “Where are you?”
When are you?
Man’s Philosophy asks, “When are you?”
I’m existing now, but which time is real? When I thought of my answer, when I spoke my answer, or as I’m thinking back about my answer? Or is all of my time when I am?
Who are you?
Then comes the biggie: “Who are you?”
We would state our name, but this was given to you. We could state our occupation, but this is subject to change, we could tell our age, but this isn’t who we are – it is how old we are!
All of these things man wrestles with while we have such finite knowledge. All the while His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
In all of Socrates philosophical pondering he concluded one thing: That he knew nothing.
Now of course he knew something for he was an intelligent man, but as he saw that there was so much that was unknown to him, he considered his knowledge to be nothing.
Paul also got it right –
1 Cor 2:1-3, 11
Paul recognized that his own wisdom, eloquent speech, and persuasion was nothing compared to the simple truth of God. – Christ
So when we look at God’s wisdom:
All of these things man wrestles with while we have such finite knowledge. All the while His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
In all of Socrates philosophical pondering he concluded one thing: That he knew nothing.
Now of course he knew something for he was an intelligent man, but as he saw that there was so much that was unknown to him, he considered his knowledge to be nothing.
Paul also got it right –
1 Cor 2:1-3, 11
Paul recognized that his own wisdom, eloquent speech, and persuasion was nothing compared to the simple truth of God. – Christ
So when we look at God’s wisdom:
Where are you?
We are placed where God has purposed us.
Each life He gave has His divine purpose in mind and with that a specific location.
According to Matthew 28:19 – Jesus instructed to go and teach all nations!
(So the world is our goal wherever we are)
When are you?
Just as the Father appointed a specific time for Jesus on the earth, He did you too!
We often hear that we are not promised a tomorrow – Deut 30:19,20
(He is our life and the number of our days)
In Him we can find our Where!
In Him we can find our When!
In Him we can find our When!
Who are you?
We are God’s creation! We were made in His image!
I don’t have to tell you my social security number to explain who I am!
Or recite my family tree to you, for this doesn’t matter as much as who I am in Christ!
Ephesians 2:10
Isn’t it good to know?
Our life isn’t meaningless!
We have meaning!
We are here for God’s cause!
That is to worship Him!
That is to take up His heart’s desire!
Our life isn’t meaningless!
We have meaning!
We are here for God’s cause!
That is to worship Him!
That is to take up His heart’s desire!
Redeeming mankind to Him!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believes in him will not perish, but will have eternal life. John 3:16