Although there are also bad mothers that are not so gracious to their children, I believe it is ultimately something that God has hardwired into a woman's heart to nurture their children with the heart of a servant. We see this evident in nearly every species of animal on the earth too - this need for nurture. God knows that it is a common need that children also receive this, so it comes natural for women to be a mother. My mother didn't receive any training on how to be a mother, for she lost her mother at a very young age of six. Her younger sister also is an excellent mother and she was about four years old at the time her mother passed away. Where did they learn how to be a mother? I don't know. It just came natural to them.
I've always felt sadness for those like my mother and her sisters, who never had the experience of growing up with a mother. My mother herself I remember from growing up was a very nurturing mother, and she made sacrifices for me and my three younger sisters. She had strong Christian values and instilled them into us. One thing she did that made an impact on us was she would take us to church every Sunday. Although she didn't drive until she was in her 50s and we were grown, and dad never wanted to go to church, mom would always call a friend, and find a way for us to get there. Of course she disciplined us too when we got out of line. She often did without so that we could have more, even when there was very little food she would eat less and made sure we had enough. There are many women today who could learn from her and how she was a mother to her children. My mother took care of her family with a servants heart, and God sees nothing higher than this.
Our Lord displayed for us what it meant to have the heart of a servant when He knelt down and nurtured His disciples by washing their feet. (John 13:3-16) In showing enough humility to get down and get His hands dirty for the ones He loves, Jesus showed us what love really is about - service! How often do mothers do this very thing, getting down in humility to clean clothes, pick up their children's belongings, help them bathe, and more?
I see the example of my wife Ann, and how she gives, gives, and gives until she can give no more to see her children happy, healthy, and safe. She has made many sacrifices in her life for the sake of her children. She is the most giving person I know, and I'm truly blessed to be her husband. I can tell too that she has seen the service of motherhood as she grew up with a very loving mother. My mother-in-law is an amazingly, loving, woman. In many ways she has been like a mother to me as well. I know in God's time that my daughter will also be loving mother just as she has experienced a mother who has a servant's heart.
For many women being a mother is just a position of leadership, but they forget that they are called to serve in this role too. When a mother exercises good leadership as well as good service, the children are blessed. This builds up and goes from generation to generation - the example of each mother selflessly pouring her own life into her children, and those children also doing the same as they have seen such a great example themselves growing up. In this way a mother's love is remembered for generations to come, for they have left a legacy.
In Exodus 20:12 we find that one of the Ten Commandments tell us to "Honor our Parents." Every year we celebrate Mother's Day, but do we practice this all the time? Those of of who are blessed to have our mother - do we honor her in our day to day life? Maybe you want to, but just haven't done so yet, or don't know how to. Maybe you are thinking she doesn't deserve to be honor. That doesn't matter - what matters is that we be obedient to the word of God ourselves. God said to honor her. How do you honor your mother?
Love your mother unconditionally:
The first thing you do is regardless of what kind of mother she has been you need to love her unconditionally. Whether she was a good or bad parent to you she deserves your love and respect. Whether it is appreciated or not, God will appreciate it, for you are being obedient to His word. The bible tells us in 1st Peter 4:8 that, "love covers a multitude of sins." Perhaps your childhood has not been the best one, and maybe even your mother is to blame. In showing your mother that you love her anyway you may be amazed at how God can use this to heal your relationship with her.
Tell your mother that you appreciate her:
If you were to apply for a job and the interviewer told you that you would work long 24 hour shifts (being on call even when you were asleep), would have to do all of the work of managing and cleaning a household, doing laundry, planning and preparing meals, taking children here and there to school functions, meeting teachers, helping with homework, seeing to the many needs of another adult (husband), being rarely ever appreciated, and on top of it all receiving no paycheck for all this hard work, then unless you are just a glutton for punishment, you would never take on such a job. Yet mothers around the world selflessly do this service everyday for their family, and for some this is a second job since they may already work at a job outside the home too. It could be that your mother feels like she is under-appreciated, and if you consider all she does or has done for us in life, she probably is. Show her compassion, sympathy, and understanding. Tell her you appreciate her.
Listen to your mother:
Of course if you are still living at home then this applies regardless of what age you are, but how often do we grow up, see the imperfections of our parents, and then begin to think that we know it all? A wise person, even if they are an adult, will still listen to the wisdom that comes from their mother. I've still not yet lived to meet anyone who was older than their mother, and don't think I ever will. The truth is it is never wise to ignore another perspective whether it is a wrong or right one. Chances are your mother wants the best for you in life, so what foolishness it would be to not at least listen to her? When you listen to someone you show them that you value them. Do you value your mother?
What will this do? shows that you Honor her.
If your mother feels that she is unconditionally loved, that she is appreciated, and that you value her insight enough to listen to her... what does this do? How will she feel? How would you feel?
Wouldn't you feel like you are being honored by your child? If you put these things into practice not just on Mother's Day, but every day you will be amazed at what God will do in your mother's life.
For some people Mother's Day is a very hard day, for their mother is no longer with them. I know as I wrote this I thought of two very special young ladies in my wife's family. To them, and to anyone else that has lost their mother I would just encourage them to keep their mother's memory alive. Remember all of the sweetness that she brought into your life. Cherish her memory. Pass these things down into your own children as you to enter into the service of motherhood. In this way you too may leave a legacy. It shows your children how much you honor your mother, and encourages them to do the same.
I've always felt sadness for those like my mother and her sisters, who never had the experience of growing up with a mother. My mother herself I remember from growing up was a very nurturing mother, and she made sacrifices for me and my three younger sisters. She had strong Christian values and instilled them into us. One thing she did that made an impact on us was she would take us to church every Sunday. Although she didn't drive until she was in her 50s and we were grown, and dad never wanted to go to church, mom would always call a friend, and find a way for us to get there. Of course she disciplined us too when we got out of line. She often did without so that we could have more, even when there was very little food she would eat less and made sure we had enough. There are many women today who could learn from her and how she was a mother to her children. My mother took care of her family with a servants heart, and God sees nothing higher than this.
Our Lord displayed for us what it meant to have the heart of a servant when He knelt down and nurtured His disciples by washing their feet. (John 13:3-16) In showing enough humility to get down and get His hands dirty for the ones He loves, Jesus showed us what love really is about - service! How often do mothers do this very thing, getting down in humility to clean clothes, pick up their children's belongings, help them bathe, and more?
I see the example of my wife Ann, and how she gives, gives, and gives until she can give no more to see her children happy, healthy, and safe. She has made many sacrifices in her life for the sake of her children. She is the most giving person I know, and I'm truly blessed to be her husband. I can tell too that she has seen the service of motherhood as she grew up with a very loving mother. My mother-in-law is an amazingly, loving, woman. In many ways she has been like a mother to me as well. I know in God's time that my daughter will also be loving mother just as she has experienced a mother who has a servant's heart.
For many women being a mother is just a position of leadership, but they forget that they are called to serve in this role too. When a mother exercises good leadership as well as good service, the children are blessed. This builds up and goes from generation to generation - the example of each mother selflessly pouring her own life into her children, and those children also doing the same as they have seen such a great example themselves growing up. In this way a mother's love is remembered for generations to come, for they have left a legacy.
In Exodus 20:12 we find that one of the Ten Commandments tell us to "Honor our Parents." Every year we celebrate Mother's Day, but do we practice this all the time? Those of of who are blessed to have our mother - do we honor her in our day to day life? Maybe you want to, but just haven't done so yet, or don't know how to. Maybe you are thinking she doesn't deserve to be honor. That doesn't matter - what matters is that we be obedient to the word of God ourselves. God said to honor her. How do you honor your mother?
Love your mother unconditionally:
The first thing you do is regardless of what kind of mother she has been you need to love her unconditionally. Whether she was a good or bad parent to you she deserves your love and respect. Whether it is appreciated or not, God will appreciate it, for you are being obedient to His word. The bible tells us in 1st Peter 4:8 that, "love covers a multitude of sins." Perhaps your childhood has not been the best one, and maybe even your mother is to blame. In showing your mother that you love her anyway you may be amazed at how God can use this to heal your relationship with her.
Tell your mother that you appreciate her:
If you were to apply for a job and the interviewer told you that you would work long 24 hour shifts (being on call even when you were asleep), would have to do all of the work of managing and cleaning a household, doing laundry, planning and preparing meals, taking children here and there to school functions, meeting teachers, helping with homework, seeing to the many needs of another adult (husband), being rarely ever appreciated, and on top of it all receiving no paycheck for all this hard work, then unless you are just a glutton for punishment, you would never take on such a job. Yet mothers around the world selflessly do this service everyday for their family, and for some this is a second job since they may already work at a job outside the home too. It could be that your mother feels like she is under-appreciated, and if you consider all she does or has done for us in life, she probably is. Show her compassion, sympathy, and understanding. Tell her you appreciate her.
Listen to your mother:
Of course if you are still living at home then this applies regardless of what age you are, but how often do we grow up, see the imperfections of our parents, and then begin to think that we know it all? A wise person, even if they are an adult, will still listen to the wisdom that comes from their mother. I've still not yet lived to meet anyone who was older than their mother, and don't think I ever will. The truth is it is never wise to ignore another perspective whether it is a wrong or right one. Chances are your mother wants the best for you in life, so what foolishness it would be to not at least listen to her? When you listen to someone you show them that you value them. Do you value your mother?
What will this do? shows that you Honor her.
If your mother feels that she is unconditionally loved, that she is appreciated, and that you value her insight enough to listen to her... what does this do? How will she feel? How would you feel?
Wouldn't you feel like you are being honored by your child? If you put these things into practice not just on Mother's Day, but every day you will be amazed at what God will do in your mother's life.
For some people Mother's Day is a very hard day, for their mother is no longer with them. I know as I wrote this I thought of two very special young ladies in my wife's family. To them, and to anyone else that has lost their mother I would just encourage them to keep their mother's memory alive. Remember all of the sweetness that she brought into your life. Cherish her memory. Pass these things down into your own children as you to enter into the service of motherhood. In this way you too may leave a legacy. It shows your children how much you honor your mother, and encourages them to do the same.
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