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The Nature Boy, Ric Flair |
That being said I'll set up my story. I'm guessing most of you know who the famous wrestler Ric Flair is. If not, here is a picture on the right.
Those who know me know that I'm a talker, and sometimes I'll admit I've put my foot in my mouth. Never before have I been more embarrassed than the story I'm about to share. Adding to this my wife Ann got to share in my embarrassment and to this day we now laugh about this.
When my wife and I lived in North Carolina we went through a season where we bounced around a while looking for a church for our family to attend. Most of the time if you're smart you will look at things like the doctrine the church teaches, the history of the church, and the vision they have for the surrounding community. Something also very vital is the fellowship. I mean you want to fit in with the people right?
Of course leaving out names, we attended one small church and tried to fit in. This church was the stereo-typical family governed church. I mean grandpa was the pastor, the daughter was the Sunday School teacher, her husband was the Youth Leader, and their children, the Pastor's grandchildren sang and played music.The Church seemed friendly and the pastor preached the word of God, so we decided to try to fit in with them and fellowship.
One Sunday in October, the Youth Pastor announced that they were planning a Hayride and Weiner Roast at their home that Halloween and invited people to come.As parents looking for a fun activity we decided the kids would enjoy this. We also guessed we could attend it and help out with the food, so we made potato salad, baked beans, and a few other things and went to it.
Not being sure on the directions they gave us, we left early to ensure we'd get there on time. We ended up arriving earlier than expected though. The youth pastor and his wife were in their house, but their children were outside playing and some of them making preparations for that night's event. I asked the youth pastor if there was anything we could do to help and he said that everything was pretty much set up.
This being the case we had an hour to kill and we were sitting in their living room, so I began to make conversation. I started out with compliments on their home, but each response they'd give was short and seemed to close the subject. For example:
Randy: This is a very nice home you have here out in the country.
Their Response: Thanks. and nothing more...
There was no TV on or Radio.... just silence. The husband did what little talking if any and the wife didn't speak at all. Me and Ann sat there on the sofa. Ann, being the quieter one, didn't speak, but like me, tried to be polite by smiling and sitting there, legs together, hands folded in her lap, and with perfect posture. Not at all relaxed, but hoping to make a good impression as if we were at a job interview.
Me on the other hand... I'm the Ice-Breaker in the room... and there was plenty of ice! So after the "nice house" topic took a nose dive, I asked, so how long have you two been in ministry? The response... Oh, a few years... then silence again... So I'd start again. "We really enjoy the services at the Church." etc...
After failing to break the ice over and over again, I started looking around the room at random home interior decorations. This is when you know you are getting desperate right? I commented on a lovely vase, a picture on the wall, a cuckoo clock... then I saw something peculiar. On the top of the television was picture of Ric Flair. He was standing there in the picture wearing a blue, sequin robe. He was holding his WWF Championship belt and everything. I'm not a big wrestling fan as some are, but I knew Ric Flair when I saw him! This being North Carolina, it also made sense to me that he would be popular enough for people to have a picture of him in their house.
So, being desperate not to sit there in complete silence staring at this socially impaired couple, here was my next "ice breaker." So I said, "Wow, is that a picture of Ric Flair on the TV?" To this the woman finally spoke, "Where?" I said again, "...on top of your TV" Her response was quick then and with a touch of anger in her voice, "THAT'S MY MOTHER!"
Okay, so now put yourself in my shoes... What comes next? What do you say???
Of course, apologies and excuses were already forming in my mind, but to make matters worse, she stood up, walked over to the picture, picked it up, and brought it to me. As I held it... The Bleach Blond hair that I thought was Ric Flair's was actually white hair, the blue sequin robe was actually a dress, and the WWF Championship Belt was actually a purse.
I had just insulted this poor woman beyond measure. I looked over to Ann. She was in her expected position, head down hand over face. I couldn't tell if she was quietly laughing or crying. The woman is still standing in front of me. I'm not sure if to receive the picture back from me or to kick the snot out of me. I look over to the husband. He wisely stepped into the kitchen, for he was laughing so hard he was doubled over. This I could tell made the woman even madder. Okay... time to rise from these ashes and muster up anything I could to turn it around. Unfortunately, there is really nothing to say. To make too many excuses could become more insulting.
My only position was one of deep regret and apologies. I handed the picture back to the woman, but not before stating what a lovely woman her mother is. I then offered up a weak excuse for my error. It went something like... "Wow, I feel so foolish... I couldn't see the picture due to the lamp reflecting on it... please forgive me. ...I'm so sorry." The real irony was that while I was holding the picture and looking at it the woman did still look a lot like Ric flair, but I definitely wasn't going there! I wanted to leave at this point so bad, and after a few moments found the perfect exit. I said, "Gee, I wonder what the kids are doing?" I looked over at Ann and said, "Maybe we should go check on them?" Ann looked at me like I was rescuing her from a Nazi concentration camp, but hid her eagerness with, "Oh.. yeah.. we haven't heard them in a while." so we politely stepped outside. WHEW!!!
The once silent Ann, now wasn't so silent. She began, "Randy, I cannot believe you just did that!" I was like, "Ann, don't start... let's just get through this evening the best way we can and get out of here!"
We then went through the motions of the hayride and cookout. We couldn't leave early as we brought some of the food. The woman didn't speak anymore to us, but did snap off at a few kids including our son Thomas for dropping their hot dogs into the fire accidentally. I felt somewhat responsible for her bad mood and still feel bad about it.
We ended up going to another church after this and this church had home groups. Ann and I went to a Couples Home Group. As a group Ice Breaker, we each took turns telling something about ourselves. The topic was, "Share an embarrassing moment in your life." I shared the above story, which later became known as the "Ric flair Incident" and everyone in the room immediately burst into laughter.
I can't say there are really any deep spiritual meanings to be understood in this blog, but we serve a God who wastes nothing. Even our deepest embarrassments can bring joy to others. Sure, if given the chance to go back, I'd do it differently and would have not unknowingly insulted that poor woman. The truth is though, I apologized, and that's all I could've done.... What's done is done. So can this story be used now to bring laughter? Absolutely, and I hope it did for you.
I'll now leave you with this......