Walk with me jesus
On this journey
The road is too rocky
To make it alone
In the darkest night
You'll lead me to morning
Walk with me jesus
Soon we'll be home
- Phil Driscoll

Every now and then we are able to have another saint lend us a hand when we get stuck in the mud and they pull us out so we can continue on our walk. Some will also push us down as they hurry along the path. Some will step off the path and try to get us to follow them onto another path.
There is no order of importance or any system of ranking on the path. If you are on the path, then you are all walking towards the same destination - that is our Heavenly Home that our Lord has prepared for us, and only God knows how long each person's path will be, for we all step onto this path at different mile markers. Our exit ramp is only seen as we walk to the crest of our final hill, and some never see it coming, but never-the-less, they will exit.
Regardless of all this we are all on the same path! There is not a path for each denomination, nor does any one denomination lay claim to the path. To walk on this path means submitting your life to Jesus and following Him. It means to carry your cross daily, and take each step along side Him. It is the road less traveled, and those who walk it are few.
Everyone of us are each walking along a path, but only some are on the path that will lead us home. Are you on that path? The Bible tells us in John 14:6, "Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." So the question is simply this... Will the path you are walking on lead you to Him, or will it lead you to destruction?
Ahead of you is a sign telling you of another path ahead. This path is the destiny that God has planned for you and it is called Salvation. However you are the one who is doing the walking, so it is up to you once you to choose this path. Before you do you should know that it is not an easy path, but as you walk it you will not be alone for Jesus will walk with you.