From 2003 to 2010 I was the pastor of Living Stones Ministries. From the beginning we tried to do one thing and that was follow the direction of the Lord. This was without regard to what it made us look like or what people might say about us. We certainly didn't try to be strange, but if one truly follows Jesus they will be perceived just as strange as He was to the religious people in His day.
Starting out we were just a bible study meeting in a living room, but we ended as a popular Christian Music Venue and Living Stones became a refuge to many young people. Because we were willing to meet people halfway by allowing CLEAN secular music to be played along with Christian music, we were able to expand our nets and reach more people with the Good News of Jesus Christ! Of course some deemed this as heretical, but we had Jesus Christ as our foundation and we didn't stray from this.
It was a season in our lives that came to an end, but ended well and we are excited about what God may have next for us. I've compiled a number of things on this page for those who may like to reflect on the 7 years that was Living Stones Ministries. Maybe you were one of the people who became Born Again as a result of what God did during this time. God Bless you and thanks for sharing!