Of course Heaven has no problem, but I do believe as an earthly citizen, this country I live in called the U.S.A. is in serious trouble. I do also see glimmers of hope in the people of the United States however, and have to acknowledge that there are both good and bad people in this country. Whether people acknowledge God or not for it, I attribute any good that can be found in this world to Him. As far as people seeking Him, the fire of revival may have died down to it's last flicker in America, but within the ashes I believe there is a glowing ember that is just waiting for the wind of the Holy Spirit to ignite it again. So while we are in the process of becoming more and more ungodly as a nation, I still don't believe this nation has completely turned her back on God yet.
For the past 200 years America has sent out more Christian missionaries than any other country in the world. In God We Trust can still be found on the money we use, but more and more we are becoming a cashless society, so who knows how long this will even be relevant?
As a citizen of this country I can't give up on her just yet. I believe we need to pray for our leaders and think of 2nd Chronicles 7:14, where it says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." This can be a reality for America if we do this! I do believe we are blessed by God to live in this country, especially when you watch the world news and see how many other countries have it worse than we do. Although many people have nothing good to say about God, I'm also not convinced that this country has turned her back completely from God, for there are many people in this land who love the Lord, even though the media and politicians show us quite a different picture of America.
I believe this country can see a revival and experience a move of God like never before. It has happened before in history like the Great Awakening period of the 1730's, in America with the 1902 Azuza street revival, in the 70s when hippies put down their drugs and started seeking God and became known as "Jesus people." This followed the extremely sinful 60's when the moral decay of this country was rapid. We also see local revivals popping up at times around America like in Brownsville, Florida.
Just as the old saying, "It is darkest before the dawn." It seems that man will often fall into a level of depravity only so far before many wake up and turn their eyes toward Jesus, and a revival is ignited. I believe history can, and will repeat itself, and it seems that very often our society tends to be on a moral down slide just before a revival. I personally believe this is because people in general only tend to seek God when their need is at it's highest. I'm not at all saying that God makes us sin, but He knows His people completely, and knows just how much suffering we will put ourselves through before we turn to Him.
We see revivals on the individual level when a person will repent before God, ask God come come into their life, confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and commit their life to God. This is called becoming Born Again, or a conversion. All of the elements of 2nd Chronicles 7:14 are at work here when you think about it: Humbling yourself, praying, seeking God, turning from wicked ways (repenting) - all of it is there during a person's conversion. The same is true on the macro scale for a country too! This isn't saying if a revival did occur in America that every American is automatically saved. What the promise is though is that God will heal our land!
Regardless of which political party you follow, or which leader you stand behind, it won't make it happen. No matter what political ideology or platforms you believe in, that won't be enough. Romans 13 tells us that the powers that be are ordained of God. This could mean a good leader, and sometimes God will permit a bad leader to hold an office or rule over a people. Sure we may vote one in, but God can remove him as He sees fit. King Nebuchadnezzar learned a valuable lesson when he became too prideful of his powerful position and God made him like a beast in a field. (Daniel 4)
There is a lot of evil in America, and throughout the rest of the world as well. Many Christians are praying for this country too. I do believe this country may be worse now than it has ever been in the moral sense. When enough people however come to the place that they say, "We need God!" This is when He shows up and a whole nation is healed, and millions are born again. I have this hope for America, and believe it can happen.