I've been blogging for a few months now and have acquired over 80 blogs. This project started out as a simple and efficient way for me to organize years of teaching notes. Then I realized the power of a blog when I began receiving feedback from people. I realized that a blog is a great way to reach people with the truth of God's word and see it enhance their life (should they choose to do so). The best thing is when you are blogging they can't kill the messenger!
I remember once doing a blog about Abortion on MySpace, which we all know from the bible that God sees it as the murder of innocent blood. I included MANY bible verses about God's forgiveness as I knew there would most likely be readers who have been through this and are battling issues of God forgiving them, and also forgiving themselves.
Despite my velvet glove approach to the subject (truth with love), I still had endless comments attacking me and calling me heartless. People justifying abortion and inserting their political worldviews over top of the biblical worldview I stood by. I also had debate after debate with many atheists, agnostics, New Agers, and other religious views.
In doing this blog I decided to not WASTE TIME with people who are only looking to engage in this. In short, I've given up winning debates for the better choice of winning people. For this reason I've disabled the comments option, but a person can still comment on Facebook when I share a link to a blog. I see it that "it is what it is" and it is the WORD of GOD and not my own opinions, although I do insert my thoughts on these biblical issues and try to develop practical ways we can live a biblical life in today's culture.
My only motivation is love. I see so many people living contrary to God's word and experiencing the consequences of it. I too am no exception or I've messed up plenty of things in my own life. I've also experienced God's blessing too, and this is why I want to share it. I long to see God glorified in every blog I do. I want to see people's lives radically changed as they encounter Him. I want to see people set free, and living within the liberty that is a Christian life!
I've arranged my most important blog where it can be seen immediately. It is at the top located on the right sidebar. It is called "What Does it Mean to be Born Again?" and one can always easily access it by clicking on the banner.

Sometimes it becomes easy to become so jumbled up and disorganized that we lose our bearings in life. I've seen good, Christian, families in shambles simply because priorities were out of whack. Life Stewardship was inspired by a teaching I heard from my pastor Steve Watson called "Seven Entrustments God has given to every Believer" is a VITAL teaching series for someone to prioritize their life. This teaching series also can be accessed by clicking the banner.

Are you struggling to make your marriage work? Are you about to pull out your hair due to the stress of parenting? Have you ever asked why there is no instruction manual on how to do it? Well, the good news is there is! The Bible is packed full of principles for a healthy family. I've arranged some of them in a blog series for you.