
The Facebook Obsession

My wife Ann and I watched a show the other night called, "The Facebook Obsession" on CNBC. If anyone wishes to watch it they can go to Hulu and see the whole thing here: http://www.hulu.com/watch/221951/cnbc-originals-facebook-obsession

In this program they interviewed Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, and explored the real story behind the rise of the largest social-media site in the world, told through the company's founders, friends and foes.

I was unaware that over 1/2 a billion people are now on Facebook in the world. In the program there were people who found long lost family members. There were also people who claim that Facebook had destroyed their life. I know that personally Facebook helped me to find my sister Faith. I learned that we lived within 30 miles from each other for 8 years when I lived in North Carolina, but we never knew it. Were it not for such a powerful tool as Facebook, I may had not found her.

The program shared various testimonies and spent time showing the behind the scenes of Facebook. I'll admit it... I only use my regular email now for work related purposes it seems and Facebook has replaced my leisure emails to my family and friends. In fact, if Facebook ever further developed to where one could attach docs, I'd never use my regular email I suppose. 

What I'm personally seeing is a company that will possibly one day monopolize email and everyone will be on it. I was happy to see that this show asked some very sobering questions as well. Is there a danger to one company having a database such as this? This company knows your birthday, your anniversary, your children's names, aunts, uncles, etc... They know our preferences to products that are on the market by the "Like" button. They know the school we went to, the company we work at, and anything else we LET THEM KNOW!

Ten years ago it was unthinkable that such a database could exist and now it is growing at an alarming rate with Millions of people every day signing up. What is my point, right? I'll get to it now.

It can no longer be said that we have not yet achieved the technology it would take for one person and probably a crew of people to know everything about a person, their habits, daily routines, beliefs, and most significantly, their location. If there were to be in our lifetime someone who would rise up to be the antichrist that was described in the Book of Revelation, My point simply, I believe the stage is being set now for one to possibly rise to this position. 

Here is just a HYPOTHETICAL situation. Mark Zuckerberg finally gets an offer he won't refuse and sells to a government or a person. This person uses the database that is at his disposal to do whatever he wishes to... including influence and rule over people. Sound far-fetched? Yes, it does now, but just imagine if Facebook one day becomes the means in which we pay our bills, buy our groceries, fill our prescriptions, and live everyday life! Now maybe you see my point...

In summary, I never said Mark Zuckerberg is the antichrist. I never said any of this WILL happen. Just that as Christians we are to be watching and waiting. That is all I'm doing.