
Closing the Door on Divorce

These days people don't regard marriage as a sacred union that is ordained by God, and it is certainly not something that the world celebrates. Instead, the world celebrates sex outside of marriage, and to be married is considered as two people giving up on life.

In actuality the opposite is true. Marriage is symbolic of the union of Jesus Christ (the Groom) and His Church (the Bride), and that is definitely something to be celebrated. In what higher way could a couple express their love and devotion to each other than to make this highest level, lifetime, commitment?

From the beginning God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, so He made him a helpmate, the woman. The fact that we don't have to spend life alone, but we can share our experiences with someone else is something worth celebrating.

In today's culture however, we don't see marriage as something worth celebrating. Marriage today is viewed as the end of the party. Phrases like “settling down” are used when describing marriage. I recently saw a t-shirt showing a bride and groom with the words “GAME OVER” written on it. 

The problem these days isn't that we think so highly of Divorce, but it is what we think so lowly  of marriage. Most couples go into marriage with a light-hearted view of what it really is. We've put marriage so low, that it has become nothing to get out of it. 

We've completely ignored the fact that we are entering into a divine covenant with  each other, and that the vows we so casually make are vows before God! Yet, the preacher officiating will say the phrase, "What God has joined together, let no man pull asunder." Why is it then that so many unions ARE pulled asunder (apart), and so many lives are left in the wake of a devastating divorce?

Something I believe that we overlook is the fact that once married we are one flesh, and no longer are two. When I see couples getting married now there is a very short courtship, they have compromised their purity by engaging in premarital sex, and many co-habitate together prior to becoming married. On top of this there is usually no efforts made to have premarital counseling prior to the marriage. Of course most couples don't go to the bible for instruction on marriage either - which is most important!

Aside from this a couple will spend an enormous amount of time planning for the wedding, but not a minute of planning goes into the marriage. If by the time the couple comes to the alter this many things have been compromised, then the only thing they have left is to just make it legal - which is precisely how most couples look at it. Yet we think that nobody can pull this asunder? 

If two people were to start a business together and put this type of planning into it we all would quickly realize it is destined to fail, yet we don't see it when it comes to marriage. We instead go into it cheap, and we expect to get out of it cheap when something goes wrong.

We have tried to become one flesh by using a cheap glue manufactured by the world, when if we would have used God's Glue in the first place then it would actually be as one flesh. 

Have you ever used a good glue? It usually takes a little time to set up, but once it does set - it is there! You can try with all your might to separate the two objects, but you will most likely succeed in damaging them both. Why? - Because the glue is just that strong! The two objects are like one object now, and the longer the glue cures, the stronger the bond becomes. A good marriage is like this.

For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. 
                                                    Genesis 2:24 (NASB)

We want to split because we have been put together with cheap glue, but to be One Flesh requires a stronger glue. God wants nothing but the best for His children and He wants nothing less than the strongest bond there is holding you and your love together. Shouldn't we aspire to have the same thing before we make such a covenant?

In the above passage - we see it starts out with the words "For this cause..."
The cause of Marriage is what is being spoke of. There in the above verse we see that the man is leaving his parents for the sake of marriage to his wife. This means becoming independent in the sense that he is starting a new home. Although the bonds of parenthood are never severed completely, the man is to now be obedient to God by detaching himself and no longer being dependent on his parents financially and emotionally. 

There is still a bond to the parents, but the stronger bond is to his wife now. The man is expected, as is the woman, to still show respect, honor, and love to the parents, but now the spouse is shown the higher loyalty. When the husband or wife allows the parents on either side to control the marriage, then the outcome is always a disaster. The married couple is to have the stronger glue - for they are one flesh!

Likewise, when there is a man and woman getting married, and there are children already there (natural or step), the bond between the parent and child is strong of course, but the married couple are supposed to have the stronger bond. The children will more than likely leave the home someday, but the married couple has the stronger glue for they are one flesh!

The phrase in the above verse, “And shall cleave to his wife. . .” means the allegiance, loyalty, and decision making is to be made with the spouse. As the verse says the two become one flesh. When two of anything become one it means there are no longer two. It amazes me to see how many couples live for years with the "mine & yours" mentality. It is my money here and that is your money there. There are also couples who have the "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine" attitude. What a shame that they are living in direct disobedience to God's command for marriage, for no matter 
how many incomes are coming in - one flesh means one money. 

To be "one flesh" requires a sacrifice to one's self and an inseparable, life-long commitment to one another in all areas. Together the couple are to grow in intimacy towards God and towards each other. To have a great marriage it isn't about finding the right person. It is about becoming the right person, and God has willed for us to have a partner to achieve this process. Isn't it about time we became one flesh and closed the door on divorce?