
When Facing Temptation

Perhaps you've become a born again believer in Christ, you've been baptized, and go to Church every time the doors are opened. Maybe you've even went out and bought yourself the latest study bible, and you are reading it every day. One would hope that after doing all of this that temptation would leave them alone, but make no mistake about it, temptation is something that you still will have to deal with as a Christian.

Maybe you've heard the phrase before, "The devil made me do it!" While temptation comes from the devil, this is not a true statement for the devil cannot "make" you do anything. Some have also mistakenly believed that it is God that tempts us to sin as if He were testing us. This is wrong, for it is contrary to what the bible teaches us. 

James 1:13 tells us, 
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.

Temptation is something that both believers and unbelievers deal with, but maybe even more so for the believer. After all, if you are an unbeliever then the devil already has you, so his most strategic focus would be on his enemy, the believer in Christ. After all, when they are truly following Christ, they posed the biggest threat to the kingdom of darkness. If Satan can hinder Christians by succeeding in tempting them, then he can then follow through with his evil schemes in people's lives. 

John 10:10 says, 
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
Satan's knows what he is facing in the end, so his goal is to take as many people with him as he possibly can. This is the only victory he can claim in his inevitable, total, defeat. Mankind in this fallen world will not be completely free from this temptation until this time comes, but as a believer in Christ we have a weapon that Satan cannot stand against. That weapon is Jesus.

John 8:36 says, 

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
Jesus HImself, as a man walking on the earth faced the temptation of the devil. This was a temptation greater than any man has ever known. I mean how many people have been tempted to be given all of the kingdoms of the world? Nobody I know but Jesus was offered such a thing, and Satan would have gladly given it to HIm too, for he knew just what was at stake. If Jesus would simply bow down and worship him instead of God, the Father - then Satan would have succeeded. Seeing God Himself in the most vulnerable form as a mere mortal man must have been such a thrill for Satan, and he wasn't about to let this opportunity pass him by. Yet Jesus, using the word of God turn his temptations down, and did not sin. What Satan failed to recognize was that God was unfolding a plan that would redeem man from the debt of sin. Now thanks to Jesus, and what He did for us on the cross, we no longer have to be enslaved to sin. 

Hebrews 2:18 says, 
 For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.
It is not only important to understand that God isn't the source of our temptation, but also that if we seek His help while being tempted, then He will help us withstand giving in to whatever Satan is using to tempt us with. 

2 Peter 2:9 says, 
 "then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,"
There is no way that man by his own doing could ever be godly, so the "godly" that this verse talks about of course are those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ for what He did in His sacrifice on the cross to save us. Those who have not given themselves to Jesus are still stained with their sins  when the time of judgment comes, but whoever has become born again has had their sins washed away by the shed blood of Jesus, and they have become the children of God. 

Now that we've covered the basics about temptation, where it comes from, and what God has done to help us with it, let's look at some practical ways to apply this to our daily living so that we may live a victorious Christian life. 

1. Know your own weakness.

James 1:14 says, 
But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
Each of us have our own desires and while the enemy is not all knowing like God, he is definitely observant. Satan knows exactly how to tempt us with the greatest things during our weakest moments, and while we are the farthest away from God. For some people this temptation might be over eating, for some drinking alcohol, for some it may be lust, or for some money. Although he tempts us all the time, he will use it at times when he sees us at our most vulnerable especially. If you already are aware of what your weaknesses are, then you can make his job in tempting you a lot harder. This may mean staying away from the places or people that can connect you with the temptation, or taking whatever other preventative measures possible to avoid it. None of us are immune from the desires of the flesh, but being aware of them, and taking steps to hinder them will go a long way. 

2. Look for your escape.

1 Corinthians 10:13 says, 
 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

This is a powerful verse that promises us that God will provide us a way of escape, so if we are smart we will look for that escape. I would suggest that when the temptation is there that we would ask for that escape too, and look for God to make it clear to us. If you have already applied step #1 above then you may find you are not as likely to find yourself within as much temptation as before, but believe me, you will still be faced with it. When you are facing it, God will provide you a way out of it. A bible verse may come to your mind, the phone may ring and there is a Christian brother or sister on the other end, or you will think of something of good virtue like your family, or your church, or someone you look up to as a mentor in your Christian life. It could be too that you will play out the possible consequences of the sin you are being tempted with, and you calculate the costs of it. I've noticed that often times these things happen when I'm facing temptation. God has always shown me a way of escape, and sometimes sadly I've ignored it, but many times I've jumped at it and always managed to escape the temptation thanks to God showing me the door out.

3. Submit yourself to God & resist the devil.

James 4:7 says, 
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
If we look at the perfect example that Jesus provided for us, we will see this in action. Although Jesus is God, He knew from a very early age to know the written word of God that we call the bible. In fact Jesus knew it so well that astounded the teachers of scripture with His biblical knowledge at the age of 12. Something we also see in the e of Jesus while He walked on earth was His many times in prayer. Jesus was always looking for a way to be in the presence of His Father. Jesus, although being God Himself, modeled for us the perfect illustration of what a life submissive to God is. Having a hunger and thirst for God's presence, and His word will build a fortress around your life that will be an obstacle to the enemy. Secondly, when Satan comes around tempting you with things that are appealing to your flesh, your greater appeal will be for the things  of God, and you will be better able to resist the devil, and see him flee. Trust me though, he will be back. 

4. When you fall get back up.

James 1:15 says, 
Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
 If you are breathing then you will find yourself here - Guilty! I've committed a sin against God. Maybe you're like me and you sometimes tend to wallow in it and kick yourself over and over again. The temptation was given from the enemy, I ignored my way out (sometimes multiple ways out), and I gave in to my fleshly desire. This is what the above verse means by the "desire has conceived." 

So what should I do now? Will I pay the consequences for this sin? Maybe. 

What is important though is that I don't let this sin become full grown, which could mean becoming a sinful habit or lifestyle. For if it grows into this then it will most certainly bring forth death. It is important that before any of this can happen that you repent of this sin as quickly as possible. To repent means to turn around. So if you are heading one direction (towards the sin) you will turn around 180° and head back towards God's forgiving and loving arms. Many times a Christian will just confess it, go on and commit it again, confess it, sin again, confess it... each time clinging to 1st John 1:9, which says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." While this is calling a sin a sin, and preventing us from living in denial, and YES, God forgives us - it is still very much our responsibility to not let it happen again, and to turn away from the sin with a repentant heart. If all we are doing is confessing the sin and never repenting of it, then we are simple snipping the fruit of our sin instead of dealing with the root of it. 

Confession without repentance is like saying you admit your sin, but you are not going to try to prevent yourself from committing it again, or allowing it to grow into a sinful habit or lifestyle. 

Is this showing God that you have any remorse for it? 

Being we are awake when we are most likely facing temptation maybe it is best that we start our preparation every day, the first thing when we wake up.

A Morning Prayer

You know all my ways, my coming and my going, and You already know what temptations that the enemy plans to use against me today. Thank you Lord that Your word promises me that I will not be tempted beyond what I can bear. I asked that you show me clearly my way of escape when I'm tempted to sin. Thank you Lord that you have provided this for me, and help me to call upon You, and to think about what is good, what is eternal, and what is Heavenly, during the times when I'm facing temptation to sin against You.

In Jesus name I pray,  Amen.