
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

Most Christians these days are unaware of what their Spiritual Gifts are. Many in fact don't see themselves as being gifted, but in assuming this they underestimate God. 

What military general would send his army into battle without proper training, weapons, and equipment? Of course none would do such a thing. Why is it that you became a Christian and therefore joined God's army, and you would assume He would leave you defenseless?

The truth is He didn't leave you defenseless, but instead has equipped you, and whether you know it or not, you have been entrusted with a spiritual gift. This means that God has wired you in such a way that you can fulfill His divine purpose in your life and advance His Kingdom on the earth. 

Why is it that most Christians never discover what their gift is? Perhaps it is because they don't know where to look. If you take a really close look at the things you are already doing, what your God given desires are, and where your passion lies, then you are on the right track. 

Over the years I've used certain tools that can guide in this process. Peter Wagner has developed a Spiritual Gifts Test and it is good, but another one has been created by Ken Ellis, and can be found online here: http://www.kodachrome.org/spiritgift/

I'd encourage you to take this test and print it out when your results are posted. Answer each question honestly and you will get an accurate picture of your giftings.