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King James I of England(reigned1603-1625) |
My first exposure to the King James Only movement was when we lived in North Carolina, but trust me – it is everywhere! I've found that this belief is prominent in many of the Independent or Fundamental Baptist Churches, but I've also met many who are of the Pentecostal denomination who are KJO's.
In this blog I hope to cite various reasons why the “King James Only” belief spreads. I've noticed that the biggest reason is ignorance. I'm NOT at all saying “stupidity” but I am saying “ignorance” as this means having a lack of knowledge on a particular subject. In the case of the King James Only believer it is ignorance of the history of biblical manuscripts, different languages, and translations of the bible. This is primarily due to have pastors and teachers that don't give time to the proper study of this subject. Instead of giving serious study into the subject, they recite the same old rhetoric that has floated around in their denomination.
Those devoted to the deeper study of the Bible will wish to learn the Greek or Hebrew meaning of certain words, but the person who is of the KJO mindset will say that only the King James Version is the only authorized translation of the bible, even though it was translated from the Greek and Hebrew languages. Being KJO therefore becomes an easy way out and and excuse not to pursue deeper study and meaning of the scriptures.
As you first speak to the KJO believer often they will begin by discrediting the more modern translations like the New Living Translation, the New American Standard Bible, and most of all it seems, the New International Version. They will point to words that were taken out of the text and very rarely give the reasons why or point to the actual translation process. Instead they will make it out as if there was some kind of evil intent or conspiracy. This allows fear to set in on the body of believers and a strong distrust to all other translations.
Also there is a sense of denominational pride that comes with this belief. I remember once while in North Carolina. I was at work on a Monday morning and a truck driver who I knew to be a Christian was there. He asked me how my weekend went. I replied, “I had a great weekend. My youngest son was baptized.” Knowing this man was a Christian I expected to hear him say, “Praise the Lord!” - but, the man looked to his left... then looked to his right... then leaned in toward me... he then said in a subdued voice, “So tell me somethin... are you a King James man?” To this I replied, “No sir, I'm a Jesus man!”
Of course this ended the conversation, but isn't that a shame?
Of course this ended the conversation, but isn't that a shame?
One other time I was speaking to the owner of a Bible Bookstore. He shared with me how once a Hispanic man came into his store and had someone translating for him. He said he needed a King James Version Bible written in his Spanish language. The shop keeper explained to the man that he was speaking of 2 different languages. This would be like asking for a French bible that was written in German. The point being you would just ask for a Bible written in the German language. The shop keeper offered him a Spanish “Santa Biblia” and the man refused it and left. What a shame that this damnable KJO doctrine had cost this man the opportunity to read the Bible in his own language.
On another occasion I found myself in a conversation with a man about the bible. As long as we spoke about Jesus everything was great, but before I knew it the man's attitude seemed to turn ugly on me. It all started when the man derailed from talking about Jesus and stated that he was a King James Only man.
I was polite and simply asked him why? His reply, “Because it's the only authorized version.” I then asked him, “Who authorized it?” He zealously said, “King James did!” I then asked him, “Was King James a Godly man?” He replied, “Yes, he was!” I then said, “Look, I read the King James Version as well as others. I do admire it and I know many people have been Born Again as a result of reading it, but King James the man, was rumored to have lived anything but a godly life, and some historians say it may have even been syphilis that killed him.” To this, the man became angry with me and told me I was judging wrong for judging King James.
You would've thought I said something derogatory about Jesus the way the man reacted. Sensing it was time to show some grace, I changed the subject. Someone once told me I should have continued and maybe the man would've changed his mind, but in my experiences with the KJO's anything you say against their doctrine is “FIGHTN' WERDS!”
I know I sound like I'm being intolerant of this belief, and I wouldn't be except for one reason – I'm sure people can be saved by reading the King James 1611 bible. I do also believe however that Satan loves to see us confused, giving up, and defeated when trying to understand the word of God. This is why it is important to have a translation that you can understand rather than a bible written in a 400+ year old Elizabeth-ton English that nobody speaks anymore. Who ultimately benefits the most from this? I'll let you answer this.