Is the International Church of Christ a good biblical Church?
Th answer is "Yes" if you are speaking of the whole Church, but if you are speaking of the denomination itself that calls themselves the International Church of Christ, and considers themselves to be the only remaining remnant of the original New Testament Church, with all other denominations going to Hell - then I'd have to give a resounding "NO" to this question.
I have no doubt that just like in other denominations, there are many in the Church of Christ denomination are genuine believers in Christ. I know many of these people and some of them are the Christian anyone would aspire to be when you see the love of Jesus that they show others. Also, like with all denominations (even a denomination that doesn't like to be considered a denomination), you are going to find all variations ranging from the most liberal to the most extreme. Some ICC churches will be open and outgoing, associating with other churches of different denominations.
The culture surrounding each church will influence the attitude of the people and also the clergy. Of course you will also have the more conservative hard-liners too, that will stay reclusive from other denominations and maybe even go on the offensive in the extreme cases. The ICC church I had visited actually allowed musical instruments, but most do not. This is what I mean by some being more liberal than others.
In Closing:
So is the International Church of Christ churches safe? This is a question that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. I will say that the doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration that they practice is not scriptural when one examines the Christian doctrine of Salvation. The fact that this denomination claims to not be a denomination at all, but they say they are the only remaining remnant of the New Testament church - this is a very cult-like trait and should be avoided.
There are also ICC churches which teach the true Gospel of salvation by faith, through grace, in Christ alone. These are some that would be safer than the ones that teach that the ICC has an exclusive access to salvation that no other denomination possesses.
The ICC churches that have musical instruments may also be safer to attend than the ones that
believe in the absence of musical instruments. This would depend on whether not having the instruments implies a belief in a "works-based" salvation, or not. Certainly, if it is believed that having musical instruments could hang is evil and considered sinful to the extreme that it could cost a person their salvation, then this would not be a safe church to attend.
Regardless of what church a person attends it is always important that they know the Bible. This way God guides you in your decision making. Also, when looking at a denominational belief it is a good idea to look at opposing Christian views as well as the viewpoints that are supportive of it. If you are a believer you will also want to listen for that still small voice inside. The Holy Spirit, who is leading and guiding you.
Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
“This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left.
“This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left.
- Isaiah 30:21