
I Stand Corrected.. (and that's a good thing)

My most visited blog by far is called "What Does it Mean to be Born Again?" and this couldn't make me happier. After all, what topic could be more important?  It wasn't until I was reading in a classic A.W. Tozer book called, "The Knowledge of the Holy" that I came to a startling realization, and it prompted me to make a change to this blog. 

It was only one little phrase, and it is something I've heard uttered by many a preacher. I've heard people witnessed to and this phrase spoken. The people sharing the gospel always meant well, but they were in serious error, and so was I for writing this critical phrase in my blog. 

When you go to this blog now it is totally different, and this is because I was so strongly convicted that I rewrote it entirely. The phrase goes as follows and perhaps you've heard it before yourself.
"In the beginning God created man and woman because He wanted a family"
I know... at first glance it seems harmless, and most likely it wouldn't create a stir. There are 2 words in this phrase however that cannot be uttered about an all-powerful, all-knowing, almighty God. These are "He wanted"

This may not seem like something to react so strongly to, but I assure you it is!

If God wanted for anything then that thing would have power over Him and He would therefore not be God, but the thing controlling Him would be God. Let me rephrase...

God wants for nothing for He has everything!

You may say wait a minute... God wants us to get saved, and I would agree that it is God will that all repent and be saved, but.... God already knows who will and who will not be saved for He knows all things. Trust me when I say that God isn't on the edge of His seat wondering if you will choose Heaven or Hell - He already knows this. He is above time, but we are not. 

Understand too the gravity of the phrase I had to eliminate. It said something of my own perception of God. It said that God needs me. How arrogant is that? I need God, but certainly He doesn't need me!

Anyway, I'll leave you with my apology for this grave error in my (now adjusted) theology, an invitation to visit the new and improved blog, and a quote from A.W. Tozer that will challenge us all to raise our view of who God is.

From Knowledge of the Holy, Chapter 6, A.W. Tozer:

The problem of why God created the universe still troubles  thinking men; but if we
cannot know why, we can at least know that He did not bring His worlds into being to
meet some unfulfilled need in Himself, as a man might build a house to shelter him
against the winter cold or plant a field of corn to provide him with necessary food. The word necessary is wholly foreign to God.
Since He is the Being supreme over all, it follows that God cannot be elevated. Nothing is above Him, nothing beyond Him. Any motion in His direction is elevation for the creature; away from Him, descent. He holds His position out of Himself and by leave of none. As no one can promote Him, so no one  can degrade Him. It is written that He upholds all things by the word of His power. How can He be raised or supported by the things He upholds? 

You may read Knowledge of the Holy in it's entirety at this link. 

Enjoy and God Bless!