Randy Tedford |
I wanted to make the site easy on the eyes, so you won't see any loud colors or crazy fonts. After a few practice templates, I settled for the single side bar on the right with the text body on the left. This way a reader can go right into the blog itself instead of having to look around for it.
I've moved the pages over to the right side bar as well, so I have room to add more if needed. I've expanded the pictures by making a slideshow of 100 pics. These are pics taken along the pathway, and for those who haven't yet figured it out, the pathway is where we are all hopefully walking - that is the Kingdom Pathway that Jesus has made available for us. It is the straight and narrow path. As I've been walking it I've taken pictures along the way. (Okay, almost started to preach.lol)
You will see an "About Kingdom Pathway" link and an "About Randy & Ann Tedford" link. I wanted to make this site more personal and include my wife on it, for she has walked along this Kingdom Pathway in life beside me. Together we've shared many memories - some good and some bad. She is definitely my best friend and without her I wouldn't be where i am today.
For this site I've adopted the verse Isaiah 30:21 that says, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
The truth is we are introduced to many different paths in life, and sadly most people choose the paths that lead to destruction and eventually eternal damnation in Hell. Jesus said, "I am the Truth, the Way, and the Light." He gives us a path that leads us to the Father and eternal life. If we are truly searching and longing to know Him we will find Him. When we do find him and choose to give our life as a living sacrifice to Him, he sets us free!
Anyway, the purpose of this site as always is to point people to Jesus and to see Him glorified. If you have a testimony to share about how this site has been a blessing to you then please do share it on our guestbook. God Bless you!
- Randy Tedford