Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."
I've noticed since becoming a Christian that there are Christians that have different beliefs. This is an understatement to say the least. Some believe that God wants to make us not only His children, but He also wants to shower us with prosperity and good health.
I'm one of the many Americans that have not experienced this "divine wealth" that is promised when you become a Christian, and you know what? I don't really care if I ever do or don't. I simply hope to see the needs of my family met. God has provided for our needs too. He has provided me with work, a roof over our heads, food to eat, and more.
I know this topic combined with the verse I've chosen above may seem to imply that I am saying Jesus was a homeless man and poor. I'm not implying anything like that.
Yes, I believe Jesus was a blue collar working man when He was on the earth, but most of all,
I believe Jesus trusted God the Father to meet His needs when He was in lack. I also believe God met those needs for Him. I believe Jesus had a very close relationship with His Heavenly Father while He lived on earth as a man and prayed to Him often.
This isn't to say that wealthy people cannot make it into Heaven, but the bible does warn that money can become their master, thus making it harder to come to Christ.
Matthew 19:24 says,
A rich man can fall into the trap of trusting in his riches and feel no need for God, so his wealth can become his God. People who have experienced lack however find it easier to come to God for they have a need. Isn't it interesting that Jesus came into this world not laying in fine linen. Isn't it interesting that a peasant girl was chosen to carry Him and not a princess? Isn't it interesting that Jesus worked as a carpenter?Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
I'm thankful that Jesus was down to earth (literally) and people much like myself could relate to Him on a personal level. I'm so happy that my savior has walked a mile in our shoes and knows what it is like to be a blue collar man. I'm so happy too that He is more than just that, but actually is God, who came to earth, to then take my sin upon Him, then die for me, then be raised from death, and that He has ascended back to Heaven and has prepared a place for me.
Thank you Jesus for being a blue collar Savior!