
Keeping Your Spiritual Cutting Edge - Part 3

We are examining how a Christian can keep their "Spiritual Cutting Edge" and why it is important that they do so. In part 1 of this blog I shared a story about 2 lumberjacks cutting timber. One used an ax that was sharp, but the other one used a dull ax, and was taking 3 swings to the others 1 swing. The question was then asked, who would be doing the most effective work? Of course the answer would be the lumberjack with the sharper ax.

In part 2 of this blog we looked at how a Christian can lose their usefulness to God. When we become an island all to ourselves and never share to others what God has done for us, show the love of God to others, or share God's word with others - then simply put, What use are we to God's Kingdom? 

One more review: I also shared some essential practices for fellowship with God: sharing what's on our heart with Him, singing praises to Him, thanking Him, praying to Him, practicing solitude as we listen for Him, reading and absorbing His holy word, and then putting it all into practice in our life. 

These practices are some of the ways we can remain sharp as Christians. Another thing that is important is keeping fellowship with other Christians. This way we can lift each other up by sharing what God is doing in our lives and edify each other in Christ.

 Maybe you're reading this blog and are happy that you've been keeping your cutting edge sharp as a Christian. I do hope so, but maybe too you are like most of us. You walk, you trip, you stumble, and you fall... in this Christian Walk. You would say, I used to have that sharp cutting edge. I used to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading. I used to have a better fellowship with God. I used to read His word. I used to have my cutting edge, but dealing with life over the years my spiritual cutting edge has become dull. 

If you are honest with yourself and with God, then you will prayerfully read Part 4 of this blog. There we will look at how we can sharpen it back up again. Just like the lumberjack with the sharper ax, we can get more accomplish for God's kingdom and not wear ourselves out in the process...